Wednesday, February 25, 2009


about Avery and what she's up to these days...

she's strong-she can make her big brother cry in a wrestling match, lively-nonstop movin n' singin n' runnin' n' jumpin' n' dancin' (hence the fresh scar on her eyelid), she's loud, goofy-see photo to left, she's hungry-watch your food or she'll snatch it, playful-let's make faces and tickle each other, thrill-seeking-on the constant look-out for steep ramps to ride her baby scooter down, social-ALWAYS up for a playdate, she's verbal-stringin up to 4 words together in both english and chinese, she's busy-busy-busy, she's demanding-MOM! no response? MAWEA!, she's repentant (read eg. below)....there's never a dull moment with our little toot-toots around!

she's 19 mos. old now, has been calling me "marea" since 16 mos. (just when i'm not paying attention or out of sight), LOVES her nuks (binky) and LOVES her big brother.

she's been getting "time-outs" for screeching to express anger or frustration, so she sits in the chair with a grumpy look on her face for about 15-30 seconds, then gets down, runs to the offended and says, "saw-y, saw-y!"

we looove (SO MUCH) our sweet, little avery may!

1 comment:

Di (not Dee) said...

Oh my goodness, that's adorable!!!

I love it when babies call their mama's by their first names. Isabella used to do that to Monica, but she stopped. It's so funny.

About Me

Shekou, China
As a family, we have decided to venture overseas in order to experience new cultures, travel God's beautiful world, and create some amazing family memories. We hope you enjoy our thoughts and pictures!