Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Deep Thoughts, by Judah James....

It's time we started writing some of these down...

JJ: Lydia and I are friends now. We've been friends two times.
Mar: That's nice. You know, she won't be in China much longer. They're moving back to Wisconsin soon. That's where they make cheese!
JJ: Really? I love cheese!
Mar: I know! You should tell her that. And, ask her if she likes cheese.
JJ: I don't think that would be appropriate.

and later....
JJ: Lydia has a dog.
Mar: You should ask her what she does to take care of the dog.
JJ: I already know--feed it and drink it.
Mar: What else?
JJ: I don't know. That's it.
Mar: No, you have to take them outside to poop and pee, then clean it up!
JJ: Gross! I'm not gonna clean it up, you are!
Mar: No, I'm not! You can't have a dog 'til you're ready to scoop the poop!
JJ: Why don't we just leave it on the ground?

JJ: Mom, what do girls in England speak?

Mar: English, why?

JJ: I want to marry a girl from England, then.

Mar: Why not a girl from China?

JJ: Cuz I don't.

Mar: Why?

JJ: I don't understand Chinese.

random questions and comments:
"You stink."
"Who's the oldest--you or dad?"
"What if I was God?"
"When will I get to play with Jack and Vera again???"
"How old is Beppa again?"
"She's the funniest baby I never met!" (about Avery)
"I love you to the moon and back 100 million, trillion, 80 thousand times!"
"I can't WAIT to go to Sally Arania!"


Di (not Dee) said...
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Di (not Dee) said...

I hear Sally Arania is nice this time o' year, though it would be completely inappropriate to tell her so.

About Me

Shekou, China
As a family, we have decided to venture overseas in order to experience new cultures, travel God's beautiful world, and create some amazing family memories. We hope you enjoy our thoughts and pictures!