Parents were invited to the Early Childhood Center this past week, which was "Book Week" and we all the students were supposed to be "Wild about Reading" cuz that was the theme! Robb, Avery, ALing and I all headed over by taxi (ALing was impressed/entertained by my ability to direct the driver in Chinese!) to check it out.
Ok, folks, welcome! Make some bookmarks!! Judah and Avery did a lovely job with glitter, puffy

paint and Robb supervising. Ok, folks, to the library! We headed upstairs, got comfy on some beanbags and read some Judah and Avery picks. One of MY fav things to do with my kids, for sure. Ok, folks, now for the performance! What we'd all been waiting for!! Well, we waited outside the multi-purpose room for the other class to finish for a few more minutes once we got there, and Avery truly knew just what to do. (Monkey see, ....)
Ok, folks, enjoy the show! Did we ever! Judah and two buddies were the big, bad wolves who had obviously practiced their lines

about "let me in..." and "huff and puff..." and some fierce, growly faces (see pics). And, we loved the little pigs, "Not by the hair of my chinny, chinny chin!" Haha. Adorable. As was the chicken dance!! We did not realize what a treat we were in for. I'll try to upload the video... Judah and I practiced the wiggling, twisting part more later.

Hard to believe it was Judah's last QSI, Shekou presentation. We leave June 16 for good, though maybe we'll be back, God willing....
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