Wednesday, February 25, 2009


about Avery and what she's up to these days...

she's strong-she can make her big brother cry in a wrestling match, lively-nonstop movin n' singin n' runnin' n' jumpin' n' dancin' (hence the fresh scar on her eyelid), she's loud, goofy-see photo to left, she's hungry-watch your food or she'll snatch it, playful-let's make faces and tickle each other, thrill-seeking-on the constant look-out for steep ramps to ride her baby scooter down, social-ALWAYS up for a playdate, she's verbal-stringin up to 4 words together in both english and chinese, she's busy-busy-busy, she's demanding-MOM! no response? MAWEA!, she's repentant (read eg. below)....there's never a dull moment with our little toot-toots around!

she's 19 mos. old now, has been calling me "marea" since 16 mos. (just when i'm not paying attention or out of sight), LOVES her nuks (binky) and LOVES her big brother.

she's been getting "time-outs" for screeching to express anger or frustration, so she sits in the chair with a grumpy look on her face for about 15-30 seconds, then gets down, runs to the offended and says, "saw-y, saw-y!"

we looove (SO MUCH) our sweet, little avery may!

Deep Thoughts, by Judah James....

It's time we started writing some of these down...

JJ: Lydia and I are friends now. We've been friends two times.
Mar: That's nice. You know, she won't be in China much longer. They're moving back to Wisconsin soon. That's where they make cheese!
JJ: Really? I love cheese!
Mar: I know! You should tell her that. And, ask her if she likes cheese.
JJ: I don't think that would be appropriate.

and later....
JJ: Lydia has a dog.
Mar: You should ask her what she does to take care of the dog.
JJ: I already know--feed it and drink it.
Mar: What else?
JJ: I don't know. That's it.
Mar: No, you have to take them outside to poop and pee, then clean it up!
JJ: Gross! I'm not gonna clean it up, you are!
Mar: No, I'm not! You can't have a dog 'til you're ready to scoop the poop!
JJ: Why don't we just leave it on the ground?

JJ: Mom, what do girls in England speak?

Mar: English, why?

JJ: I want to marry a girl from England, then.

Mar: Why not a girl from China?

JJ: Cuz I don't.

Mar: Why?

JJ: I don't understand Chinese.

random questions and comments:
"You stink."
"Who's the oldest--you or dad?"
"What if I was God?"
"When will I get to play with Jack and Vera again???"
"How old is Beppa again?"
"She's the funniest baby I never met!" (about Avery)
"I love you to the moon and back 100 million, trillion, 80 thousand times!"
"I can't WAIT to go to Sally Arania!"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A happy 37th bday and Valentine's!

I was recently reminded that I married a thoughtful, romantic man. (Yes, this is Marea typing.) Here's why:
2 weekends before my birthday, he took me on a "mystery date," as a "pre-birthday celebration." We had 5 hours+ of pampering with hairwashes, body massages and (met friends for) footrubs, then went with some friends to a tapenyaki (sp?) place for dinner. Sweet.

On Valentine's Day, other clueless wives/friends showed up with their husbands at our place at 3pm. We were given the first "clue" (a typed note rolled up and tied with red ribbon), which told us to sit on the deck and enjoy our chocolates, cheeses and crackers, and bottle of wine. Next, we were sent off to enjoy a footrub. The receptionist had the next clue, which sent us to the hairwash (we cannot get enough of the cheap massages, in case you didn't notice). We actually deviated from the plan, though, because 2 of us "just washed my hair!" and went to the local Irish pub for a brew instead. As dinnertime rolled around, here come our dashing, romantic husbands, each carrying a red rose for his wife. We ended the night laughing and eating and toasting each other with our spouses and good friends. Memorable.
If you aren't disgusted/envious enough already, for my BIRTHDAY, we went to Hong Kong to visit our friends, Sarah and Justin Walker, and their new baby girl, Taelyn Mackay, who had just been born in the hospital (she was only 1 hour old when we got there!). Then, Robb told me I had a set amount to spend at the jade market!! I got 7 new necklaces, 3 bracelets, and 2 chopstick sets, and had enough left over for dinner at my favorite restaurant--Ebeneezer's. Generous. So, this 38th year of my life is off to a great start, and I thank God for the many blessings He has given me.

About Me

Shekou, China
As a family, we have decided to venture overseas in order to experience new cultures, travel God's beautiful world, and create some amazing family memories. We hope you enjoy our thoughts and pictures!